(wla lng, share q lng. . , s SS18 nmen 2. . , pntapat s ERA OF COLLABORATIVE KNOWLEDGE ni roniel. . . , ! heheh!)
“Certainty generally is an illusion,
Repose is not the destiny of man…”
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
A Cabinet secretary described this year’s SONA as an executive report presented to the nation’s stockholders—to us. And a colorful presentation it was, so much different from the past SONAs, with PowerPoint presentation and participation of different people—from politicians to athletes to military to ordinary people. Stories to break the otherwise serious topics range from heartwarming ones (that of the housing beneficiary who said that the title’s for his son) to those of hope (the call center agents she had coffee with) and victory (the Mt. Everest feat, SEAG medallists, beauty titlist, and Pacquiao). On the whole, SONA was better this year. (Enough for us to forgive her little comedy stunt.)
However, before July 24, some people argued the abolition of SONA. To that I disagree. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT SONA SHOULD BE DELIVERED TO THE FILIPINOS.
“Why not Abolish SONA?” Asked Amando Doronila in Analysis (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 7-21-06).
But, then again, WHY ABOLISH?
First, I believe that the Filipinos should be aware of what is happening in our country. They show apathy at present simply because they don’t even understand the current events—a big percentage of our population doesn’t even know what Charter Change is (just an example, but I disagree with it). Abolishing SONA, in a way, prevents PGMA from defending her side about the accusations given to her.
Second, SONA spells HOPE for many people. In SONA, PGMA shows the present achievements, what past promises were fulfilled, things like that. In this time of turmoil and crises, that’s exactly what people wanted to hear. Doronila may call it false expectation, a road map with a dead end, but that’s better than having no road map at all, to be walking half-blinded without any hope to be saved.
Third, SONA answers people’s questions. SONA is the best way for the President to clarify the issues arising in her administration.
Doronila argued about the President offering “stale fish” again, and about his hopes of a straightforward election next year. If he watched SONA, that was actually some of the agenda.
PGMA may or may not be proven cheating in the 2004 elections, but let’s face it: she is a good President (okay, maybe not morally, but at least professionally good). She knows when to hold back, but still, she keeps coming back. Want to impeach her? No problem—but please, not until you can find a better replacement.
Anyway, it’s not a question of who had done what but rather a call for everyone to be responsible.
A man like Doronila who believes that first things should be first must also know that every kettle must rest on its own bottom. Everyone has his own part to be played. Ergo, since prexies were supposed to give SONAs, that is exactly what PGMA had done.
Let us all make it nice and simple.