I bought a new bag from a direct selling company, and realized I have grown quite a collection of them, so I decided to take a pic:
The head that inserted itself below belongs to my niece who, just recently, blown up to a size of a mini-sumo wrestler. So an idea immediately popped in: why not let her model my bags? Impromptu fashion show begun! (Notice that she got tired later on and just sat eating a donut. What a prima dona.)

Model for the day

DS (Direct selling bag)

Baguio bag! (Bought on my birthday when I celebrated it in Baguio with Udeng)

Another Baguio bag

Gift from Ate Myzel (should be purple, my fave color, but she couldn't find one)

From Vietnam, a gift from Mamu

I made myself using tons of safety pins

Donut bag! From Udeng

Bought in Mindoro when we went for Lola's wake :(

Free from Avon (as you can see with the model's expressions, she believes it was
her bag and I'm just borrowing)

Another Vietnam-bought, a hand-me-down from Mamu

ukay find! Nice no?

Laptop bag that I haven't used ever

Current laptop bag that have been gaining comments from officemates (from California - thanks Auntie Irene!)

DS bag (which I'm currently using - makes me feel professional, hehe!)
*From this point forward, our model will be sitting.*

DS Sling Bag

My fave body bag from
ukay which I bought for Php 70! '
San ka pa?
Backpack, another fave

Beach bag that I'm planning to dye purple but haven't got around to doing it

DS Body bag I haven't used in a year

My Kipling bag (Only one from its family - I have at least four Kiplings. Mamu is connected to the manufacturer of Kipling, Jansport, The North Face, etc)

My formal party bag

Another Avon bag that Momoy (model) uses for her dolls
After an exhilarating photo shoot, we prepared lunch (actually, Udeng cooked, I just assembled) - BCT with fries!

Kiss the cheese

Udeng and Issa
*Side-thought: We have talked about people who are combining their names to form a new one. We agreed that it will be weird for us since our names together will be Eugene + Issa = Gene + Issa = Ginisa??!
Anyway, the shirt I'm wearing was a customized one. I found the joke at our company's database and decided I will definitely wear it. It reads like this:

Melai in
I Do: "I know, right?"
Off to work!
Just last night, I found this purple (my fave color) laptop backpack that I definitely need to have, so I bought it. (Actually, Udeng did.) Good thing Momoy's already awake before I went to office, so we had a photoshoot part 2.

Laptop bag!
More to come (I wish, I hope, I dream.)