Almost a year after my last blog entry, was overwhelmed by other blogging sites.
Agenda for the day - clothes!
I am a frustrated designer who made my own baccalaureate and oath-taking (for CPA) dresses. My present fixation right now is... *drumroll* TSHIRTS! After spending tons to have them customized, I've discovered the answer to my problem - iron-on transfer paper. Whew! For my first project, what better time but the first screening of my wizard alter ego's movie.

Since the latest installment focuses on Hallows and Horcruxes, why not do one for each?
Found this logo on Matt Dearden's site. Terrific, terrific sketch artist. Edited on Paint,
printed on a transfer paper, and ironed on a tank top! Result:

Udeng bought advanced tickets days before, so after office, we went to Market! Market! for our piece of the wizard game.


It was a bit slow-paced than the other adaptations, but mostly for those who haven't read the book. Winner!
Turned out our company movie night-out was the next day, so I need to charge overtime hours on my clothes-making clock. Decided to represent the last book's title and channel the master of death. Grabbed my vinyl transfer paper (no time for printing, just cutting) and immediately chopped off, then ironed again. Result:

Elder Wand + Ressurection Stone + Invisibility Cloak
Turned out I have to finish some documentation due for review the next day, so I was not able to join, but still rocked it on the client field work.

Client's CR
More to come!